Thursday, 5 March 2009


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3TONE + WINGS series


Sunday, 1 March 2009

❤ Must read Before Buy Contact Lenses❤

❤ ❤ Must read Before Buy ❤ ❤

Dear all clients, make sure you read and understand and follow the rules stated below before you purchase contact lenses in our website otherwise we are not liable for any matters like infection, inflammation, cornea warping, etc problems that could possibly happen. Thank you for your cooperation ❤ ❤

❤ ❤ Eye Examination ❤ ❤

Before purchase contact lenses in our website make sure you went to your optometrist for an eye examination. Only your optometrist can prescribe contact lenses for you, our website do not and not allow to prescribe contact lenses for you.Your optometrist will make sure your eyes are healthy and your vision is adequate. You can be fitted for contact lenses if your eyes are free of problems.

There are a few thing, your practitioner will do before putting lenses into your eye. These include:A throughout history of your health and your eye, Vision testing, include binocular assessment Cornea health assessment, include cornea curvature measurement Discussion on type of lenses suitable to the eye.

❤ ❤ What is Contact lenses? ❤ ❤

Contact lenses are small, thin plastic disks that are designed to rest on the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye. Contact lenses are mostly used to correct short sightedness, long sightedness, and astigmatism. These are conditions in which images are not focused properly on the retina (located in the back of the eye) and, therefore, cannot be relayed clearly to the brain.

Contact lenses adhere to the film of tears that covers the front of the eye. Each time the eyelid blinks, it passes over the lens and causes it to move slightly. This motion allows fresh tears to flow under the lenses providing necessary lubrication and oxygen to the cornea.

❤ ❤ Why Contact Lenses? ❤ ❤

There are many reason choosing contact lenses. Contact won't get on your way during sports. You can put on sunglasses without thick prescription glasses. Also, no more pressure on the noseor block your side vision like glasses do. Depending on the correction needed, contact can provide good vision with less distortion compare to glasses.

❤ ❤ Who are qualified to help you? ❤ ❤

A proper eye examination is essential in fitting contact lenses, because contact lenses are insert into the eye. Infection, inflamation, cornea warping, etc. may happen to the eye. Therefore, choosing the right person to do the right job is important. Eventhough, nowadays, contact lenses can be purchase through internet. But it is still safer to have your eye examine from an qualified optometrist. They can advice you on maintenance, wearing hour, cleaning and others contact lenses related problem. However, they are still a lot of malpractitioner who sell contact lenses without eye testing. Therefore, as an intelligent consumer, you should request for eye examination before buying this product.

Where the Contact lenses Fits InThe contact lenses float on the layer of the tears that covers the cornea. It is held in place by the surface tension, the same force that lets a drop of water cling to the side of a glass. Because a contact lenses form a barrier between the air and the cornea, it blocks some of the cornea's oxygen supply. Blinking helps overcome this problem. with each blink, tears wash behind the contact lenses, delivering fresh oxygen to the cornea. Blinking also helps keep the contact lenses moist and clean.

❤ ❤ Who Can Wear Contact Lenses? ❤ ❤

Not everyone who wears glasses can wear contact lenses. Patients with a history of repeated episodes of eye infection or severe allergic reactions are likely to have more eye problems with contacts. Similarly, patients with low tear production or high mucous content in their tears may have more difficulty tolerating contact lenses and keeping them clean. Patients who work in an environment with dust and dirt, or patients who require special lenses in their glasses, may be unable to wear contact lenses.Successful use of contact lenses is mainly dependent on these factors:

1. Selection of an optometristl who is knowledgeable and experienced with contact lenses;

2. Adaptation through the lenses;

3. Follow the instructions for wear and maintenance of the lenses.

❤ ❤ Are There Any Risks? ❤ ❤

As with any foreign material on the surface of the eye, there is always the risk of a scratch on the eye or an eye infection. In addition, if contact lenses are worn too long, the cornea may swell causing a painful scratch or abrasion.

Contact Lenses users may develop protein deposits on their lenses, or develop allergic reactions to contact lens solutions which contain preservatives. Rarely, even severe eye infections may occur.However, most of the risk is due to the user itself. Poor compliance in handling contact lenses, such as forgetting to wash hand before handling the lenses or using saline to soak lens overnight, increase the risk of getting infection.