Monday, 16 February 2009

۩ 丹提面膜 DantyDesign ۩

100% from TAIWAN

MARKET PRICE : RM 7.50/pcs ( Can refer to WATSON)
AKINA PRICE : RM 3.50/pcs (100% from Taiwan)

036. 丹提薰衣草面膜 (Lavender) --- 镇定肌肤、抗敏
適用膚質: 敏感性肌肤也可用
☆╮成份:薰衣草萃取精華, 鎖水組織分子, 初乳蛋白, VITAMIN-A.C.E
☆╮具有镇静安抚肌肤,協助肌膚水合凝聚力, 並釋放有效成份供給肌膚, 達到柔嫩、細緻、明亮
☆╮保湿, 晒后修复, 镇定肌肤
Stabilize skin’s pH and prevents skin sensitivity.To calm and relief stress. Helps to improve sleeping disorder.Controls and balances skin oiliness.To whiten and re-hydrate your skin.To repair sun burn skin.

037. 丹提芦荟面膜 (Aloe Vera) --- 平衡油脂收缩毛孔
適用膚質: 任何膚質
☆╮有效抑制多余油脂产生, 调节肌肤油水平衡☆╮滋润, 控油, 效果出众, 赞一个! 油性肌肤的最爱!
Aloe mask helps you to get a firm & elastic skin. The formula helps to restore skin structure & makes your skin soften & radiant. It also retains & replenishes moisture in the skin to prevent wrinkle from forming and maintains a youthful appearance by reducing signs of ageing. Suitable for all skin types especially those with dry skin.

038. 丹提全方位胶原面膜 (Collagen) --- 保湿、美白、紧肤、弹性
適用膚質: 任何膚質
☆╮协助肌肤储蓄水份, 供给肌肤, 达到柔嫩细致、明亮白皙
To whiten and re-hydrate your skin. Prevent wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity. To repair and re-conceal wounds and sunken scars. To facilitates the recovery of skin metabolism. Modulate and stabilizes skin pH. Suitable for all skin types.

039. 莲香保湿面膜 (Lotus) --- 保湿/细嫩/美白
適用膚質: 任何膚質, 尤其适用于需要补水的肌肤
☆╮成分: 莲花萃取精华,玻尿酸
Close up open pores. Rejuvenates cells and possesses anti-oxidants. Smoothen and moisture your skin. To whiten and re-hydrate your skin. Suitable for all skin types.

040. 丹提柠檬香茅面膜 (CITRONELLA) --- 去油平衡油脂预防痘痘
適用膚質: 任何膚質
☆╮成份: 檸檬香茅萃取精華、VIT-E鎖水組織份子、初乳蛋白,玻尿酸,维他命E油,氨基酸,植物精油,酵素
☆╮保湿、美白, 去油、平衡油脂分泌, 预防痘痘
Citronella mask helps you to get a firm & elastic skin. It is also able to control sebum secretions from the skin, thus making your skin less prone to the blemishes due to oily skin. The formula helps to restore skin structure & makes your skin soften & radiant. It also retains & replenishes moisture in the skin to prevent wrinkles from forming and maintains a youthful appearance by reducing signs of aging. Suitable for all skin types especially oily skin.

041. 茄红素面膜 (Tomato) --- 美白嫩肤
適用膚質: 任何膚質
☆╮协助肌肤水合凝聚力, 并释放有效成份供给肌肤, 达到柔嫩、细致、明亮, 美白
Gives you a supple, silky and radiant look. Exfoliates dead skin cells. Possesses antioxidants to prevent skin damage from harmful UV rays. Whitening and re-hydration of skin. Suitable for all skin types especially those with dry skin and after tanning.

042. 丹提玫瑰面膜 (Rose) --- 美白、保湿、消除暗沉
適用膚質: 适合经常熬夜, 肌肤暗哑膚質
☆╮美白保湿活肤消除暗沉除皱适用熬夜灰暗肌肤使用☆╮有提亮肤色, 美白的效果. 熬夜的损失,一片就补回来了!
Rejuvenate cells, refresh dull and tired looking skin. Giving your skin a supple and radiant look. To whiten and re-hydrate your skin. Prevent wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity. Suitable for all skin types especially those with dull skin.

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